ABOUT Sodiso Tech

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Our people are qualified, experienced and creative professionals. We believe that the results we achieve are driven by the insight of our staff coupled with our robust methods. . We are adept at analyzing the client?s needs, developing targeted, high impact organizational interventions, and deploying solutions to close the strategy-execution gap, producing measurable bottom line results.

Our Services

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Taking Business online

Taking your business online is not just about embracing technology; it's about embracing opportunity. By establishing a strong online presence, leveraging digital marketing strategies, and prioritizing cybersecurity, you can unlock new avenues for growth and propel your business into the digital future.

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Ranking Higher

Achieving a higher ranking on Google My Business (GMB) is essential for enhancing your online visibility and attracting more potential customers. We are shere with some strategies to help you improve your ranking.

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Business automation involves using tools and software to streamline the management of your Online listing and optimize its performance.

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Google My Business (GMB) provides valuable insights and analytics to help businesses understand how customers interact with their listing.

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Customer Experience and Journey Mapping

Customer experience (CX) and journey mapping are essential components of understanding and improving interactions between customers and a business.

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Local SEO

Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing a business's online presence to increase visibility in local search results on search engines like Google. It focuses on improving a company's rankings for location-based searches relevant to its products or services.

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Chennai, India